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The Barrande Fellowship Programme is designed to support French-Czech exchange of doctoral students.

The European Commission's newly adopted framework increases the inclusiveness and diversity in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarit

A Five-day festival of workshops, interviews and concerts launched the new Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

5 cities, 5 railway stations, 5 days full of information on how to study, train or volunteer abroad.

The EACEA agency introduced full application procedure of the accreditation scheme necessary for humanitarian aid volunteering.

A week of workshops, presentations, and meet-ups for the youth of Czechia brought to a symbolic end at a conference in Prague.

The European Solidarity Corps programme is becoming the EC's main tool for bringing young people together to help..

Leaders in the field of higher education met during the first in a series of summits organized by the ACA.