Want to Help Shape the Future of Europe? Have Your Say at a Pan-European Discussion Platform
Organise your event or attend an event near you. Share your ideas with the whole of Europe.
Conference on the future of Europe presents an opportunity for European citizens to share their ideas and help shape our collective future. This conference, led by the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission, aims to involve all EU citizens in discussing European democracy and European integration.
A digital platform is a central aspect of the conference – anyone can contribute their idea, attend various online events or organise their own. Have a look at how it works in this infographic summary
Organisations and individuals participating in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programmes are welcome!
One of the ten topics of the platform is Education, culture, Youth and sport. Both organisers and participants of international educational programmes such as Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps are very welcome to join the pan-European discussions. All you need to do is get involved on the official webpage.
Have you planned a public event as a part of your project?
Whether it’s a panel discussion with project participants or an expert debate, you can register your event at the platform!
You can also join a pre-existing event, learn about ideas from all over Europe or share your own EU policy-making suggestions in the areas of education, culture, youth or sport. View an interactive map on the webpage and you’ll be able to find events that take place near you or online, with short characteristics of the event.
What are the topics you can get involved in?
- Climate change and the environment
- Heath
- A stronger economy, social justice and jobs
- EU in the world
- Values and rights, rule of law, security
- Digital transformation
- European democracy
- Migration