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The path to quality education

The path to quality education

EEA Grants stories of Czech cooperation with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein
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European Schoolnet představuje první publikaci na téma malých a venkovských škol.
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How to run a volunteer mini project

How to run a volunteer mini project

Praktický manuál pro dobrovolníky v Evropském sboru solidarity (pouze v anglickém jazyce)
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Information on the Lifelong Guidance System in the Czech Republic

Information on the Lifelong Guidance System in the Czech Republic

What are the challenges in guidance, evaluation of the career guidance in schools, employment etc in the Czech Republic
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Czech Republic through the eyes of EVS volunteers (obálka)

Czech Republic through the eyes of EVS volunteers

An inspiration for all those who decide to live (even for a short while), volunteer and travel through the Czech Republic
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