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CZELO - European Universities Initiative

CZELO - European Universities Initiative

European Universities are ambitious transnational alliances of Higher Education institutions developing long-term structural and strategic cooperation. They should lead the way
towards the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European Higher Education.
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Report on research at Czech higher education institutions 2024
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The results of the survey provide insight into the real and long-term impacts of participation in international mobilities within the programs administered by DZS.
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The first survey among foreign graduates of Czech universities and participants of study stays in the Czech Republic.
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Quantitative survey report, implementation in November - December 2021
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The report identifies 8 main areas to focus on strengthening Czech universities’ internationalisation and offers solutions and recommendations at the national and institutional levels.
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Situation of coordinators of the current projects under Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
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The situation of currently outgoing participants of Erasmus+ in relation to the COVID19 pandemic
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Quantitative research report, October 2018
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Quantitative research report, October 2018
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For All Those Who Are Learning

Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013 l Czech Republic
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