Winners of European Language Label Award 20th Run Announced

Seven organisations were recognised with the European Language Label Award, granted to innovative projects in language learning

The award ceremony took place yesterday in the Kajserštejnský Palace. A high school, an NGO and a language school were among the winners. Jan Mareš, Deputy of the Education and Youth Section of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Michal Uhl, Legal Representative of the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS), were there to present the awards.

Statutární zástupce Domu zahraniční spolupráce Michal Uhl na předávání.
Legal Representative of DZS Michal Uhl during the ceremony

The panel of experts had 40 registered projects to choose from this year. Ten made it to the second round, and seven winners were selected. The experts recognised projects for their originality, the complexity of their solution, the ability to motivate people involved in the project and inspire other organisations to raise the quality of their language education. Special attention was paid to three priorities in 2021: supporting language learning via digital technology and digital medialanguage education and the support of equality, social cohesion and active citizenshipand professional development of language teachers.    

The Label Award can be awarded to any innovative project or activity in language learning. Projects will be considered when in the realisation stage with demonstrable results or within three years of their successful completion. Projects from all sectors of education can apply for the award.

The European Language Award Winners in 2021:

Language Skills – Success in Vocational Education
Hello language centre

 The project's main goal was to support vocational language learning at vocational secondary schools as there isn’t any methodical support for language teachers of foreign languages and complex language learning material for some vocational fields, and the students often lack motivation. By creating programmes for further education for teachers of vocation schools and a set of study materials that became a part of complex multimedia interactive textbooks, the project helped improve active communication skills in foreign languages of students of secondary vocational school in the field they chose to study.

Zeichne, was ich dir sage – Bilddiktat im Deutschunterricht
Základní škola Přimda

Four schools from four different countries collaborated on this project, intending to improve the German vocabulary of students through individual and collective work in international teams. The project focused on learning a second language using drawing dictation. This method helped to motivate students to practice their vocabulary skills. It’s a suitable method even for beginners, especially for pupils beginning to learn their second foreign language.

 Distance learning for Czech children living abroad
Krajánek ve světě

This distance online teaching of Czech language project was tailored to the needs of Czech pupils living abroad long-term. The project tackles current shortcomings in the education of Czech children who can not access Czech language classes (they do not, for example, live nearby an active Compatriot school or Compatriot society.) The project aims to create a system that would make it possible for those children to access education, teaching materials adapted for the specific needs of multilingual children and to establish inclusive classes made up by children who live abroad. 

 Support and development of English reading literacy of primary school pupils by regular work with English books
Základní škola a mateřská škola Sněžné

 The project aimed to support the reading literacy in the English language in pupils of primary school by using new, interesting and entertaining techniques and methods: utilising various sources, meeting with promoters of literature, systematic book reading; the project results to be factored in the School Education Programme and thematic curriculums at ZŠ a MŠ Sněžná. The foundation of the project was the participation of the teacher in an educational trip abroad, systematic coordination and collaboration of teacher commissions of English and Czech languages of the first stage of primary school education. A subsequent goal was to improve all participants' language skills and competency by regularly working with English books, teaching drama in the form of games, songs, teaching based on experiences, and the pupils playing English theatre.

 ICT and languages – no fear of Europe
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola cestovního ruchu Choceň 

The main goals of the projects were the modernisation of language teaching using new findings in methodology, improving knowledge in the field of business English and connecting language learning with ICT technologies by blended learning. It also aimed to improve the English communication skills of the institution's head staff so that they can actively participate in discussion cooperation with an EU partner that could help develop key competencies of students of gastronomical schools. Finally, the project also aimed to increase the students' chances to find employment in their field in Europe. The project also enabled the creation of e-English learning courses which develop students’ language skills.

Blue-Bot in Action
Základní škola, Most, Václava Talicha 1855

This project was aimed at 8-9year old children who have just begun to learn English. It was realised in the 3rd grade of a primary school in a way that complied with the School Educational Programme in the field of Language and Language Communication of English. During the collaboration of a Czech and Spanish school, children worked with robotic toys Blue-bot and learned programming basics. The project's main goal was to teach children the basics of programming naturally and effortlessly while also having them use English in a comfortable environment so that they can improve and use their language skills. Pupils in 9th grade were in the roles of the teachers. The project enabled the pupils to cooperate naturally and introduced new methods of using CLIL in teaching.

English speaking countries
Základní škola a mateřská škola Luková 

 This project was aimed at children up to 11 in a multi-age classroom. The international cooperation with 16 schools significantly improved the teacher’s work competency, his language, communication, and IC skills, and, finally, his expert pedagogical knowledge and experience. This project is proof of how technology, when suitably implemented in the classroom, can positively influence the result of the education process and the motivation and activity of the pupils. These online activities remained a part of teaching even after the end of the project and became an integral part of teaching various subjects. Both the teacher and the pupils had the opportunity to understand that foreign language is not just a school subject, but primarily a way to cooperate, meet new colleagues and friends, and a source of information and key to the world outside of the region.