On 10 January, the European Commission published a document with measures to strengthen the role of youth in EU policies

Both programmes are implemented well, but the administrative burden, digitisation and IT tools need to be improved.

Czech universities, schools, educational institutes and DZS will join 5 new academies. Find out more about the project and Call.

To apply for the Humanitarian Aid project in the Call 2024 you must submit the Quality Label application by 21 September.

Ministers responsible for the youth agenda adopted Council conclusions to promote the role of youth in environmental policymaking.

The European Commission has launched a debate on "How to make learning mobility a reality for all?"

Over a hundred academics, policymakers and experts from Czechia and abroad debated the challenges of digitalisation.

Our new clip encourages international research and educational institutions to cooperate with their Czech counterparts

The aim is to promote volunteering of young people and to remove remaining barriers to cross-border mobility.

The European Commission's newly adopted framework increases the inclusiveness and diversity in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarit