The European Commission opened a new public consultation on certain proposed amendments to the General Block Exemption Regulation…

On 6 October, at the EU-Western BalkansBrdoSummit, the leaders of the European Union and its Member States, together with Western…

5 pilot university alliances discussed both achievements and challenges of their ongoing cooperation.

The European Commission published an assessment of the Horizon 2020 Lump Sum Pilot.

The European Commission has introduced a new tool to support primary and secondary school teachers in using digital technologies.

The European Commission has published Horizon Europe guidance on gender equality plans. The aim of the Guidance is to support…

The deadline for applications is 21 October 2021.

On 29 September 2021, the European Commission has published long-awaited Communication on missions and officially launched five…

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) announced transitional measures for two of the Horizon Europe mono-beneficiary…

On 24 September 2021, Iceland and Norway became the first two countries to be formally associated to Horizon Europe.