Third Arctic Science Ministerial Joint Statement will strengthen Arctic science cooperation


On 9 May, the European Union, together with 25 countries, including Canada, China, India and Korea, signed the third Ministerial Joint Statement to strengthen cooperation in Arctic science. The Statement was signed also by the Czech Republic. This was done during The third Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting, called Knowledge for a sustainable Arctic, this year co-organised by Japan and Iceland. The meeting takes place biennially and its aim is to strengthen Arctic science cooperation through an inclusive process – it means not only Arctic States are involved, but also indigenous communities and non-Arctic States. This year, the representatives of six Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ organisations joined the meeting, for instance Saami Council and Inuit Circumpolar Council.

The Joint statement aims to focus among others on observing networks and data-sharing, on better understanding and predicting changes in the Arctic ecosystem and its global impact, on preparing next generation p. eg. through education and capacity building.

Regarding EU, the last EU Arctic policy was adopted in April 2016, and the renewed policy is expected to be adopted in October 2021.

More information on the European Commission's website or on the website of the Arctic science ministerial.