Outcomes of the Competitiveness Council (research part) in May


On 27−28 May 2021 the Competitiveness Council took place. During the second day, dedicated  Science and Research, delegations discussed the future shape of the European Research Area (ERA) and they agreed on the need for a common, forward-looking vision for the ERA. During the meeting, the Council adopted Conclusions on ‘Deepening the European Research Area: providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality’. These conclusions propose to strengthen synergies between the R&D&I field and European higher education institutions, to promote career development and to expand the range of consultancy services for researchers. Furthermore, a general approach on regulation on establishing a competitive supercomputing network was adopted. Other documents adopted were the conclusions on creating a new, resilient and competitive European space sector (New space for people), as well as conclusions on making the most of the potential of the Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS programs in order to improve climate change mitigation and the quality of life of people in European coastal areas. Delegations were also briefed on the state of negotiations of the institutionalized partnerships, on the Global Initiative Mission Innovation 2.0, on the EC Communication on a Global Approach to Research and Innovation, as well as on the R & D & I priorities of the forthcoming Slovenian Presidency.

More information can be found the press release of the Council of the European Union.