Join the debate on the future of Europe


The Conference on the Future of Europe was officially launched on the Europe Day on 9 May.

The aim of this joint initiative of the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament is to involve the general public in the debate on the future of the EU. The conference will take form of a series of citizen-led discussions to enable people from all over the Europe to share their ideas and thus contribute to shaping a common future. It is the very first event of its kind to offer the public a new forum for open, inclusive and transparent sharing of views on a number key priorities and challenges of Europe.

The central element of the conference is a digital platform, where anyone can contribute with their ideas, participate in various online events or organize one. The platform is divided into ten topics including Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

Recording of the ceremony is available on the EC website. The conference will run until next spring, then the EU institutions will assess the outcomes of the Europe-wide debate and discuss how to take them into account.

Záznam ze slavnostního zahájení je k dispozici na webu EK. Konference bude probíhat do jara příštího roku, následně instituce EU posoudí závěry celoevropské debaty a budou jednat o tom, jak je zohlednit.