Information event about hydrogen research


Research in the field of hydrogen and its usability is becoming a priority not only for EU but also for the V4 countries.

On 8 February the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with its partners from the V4 countries organized an Information Day on hydrogen research. The event attracted almost 200 participants. The aim of the event was to present European initiatives, programmes, and partnership opportunities for stakeholders from the V4 countries, representing political, research or industrial sector. 

The keynote speech was delivered by Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, who, in addition to introducing the partnership, mentioned a planned call for project deveopment assistance to be launched in June which aims to strengthen the involvement of EU-13 countries in partnership activities. The follow-up to the Clean Hydrogen and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Partnership aims to support the decarbonisation of heavy sectors such as the steel and chemical sectors and heavy commercial vehicles. The intention is to reduce the price, improve reliability and increase the production of clean hydrogen solutions.

The first panel was of the built around European initiatives like the Partnership itself, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, the IPCEI on hydrogen, the green hydrogen ERA pilot, the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Fund and the Green Hydrogen Acceleration Centre of the InnoEnergy KIC. 

The second panel, was dedicated to the examples of good practice from the V4 countries. As individual presentations have shown,research in the field of hydrogen and its usability is gradually becoming a priority for the V4 countries, and various cooperation, strategies and hydrogen associations are beginning to emerge. The Czech Republic was represented at the event by Mr. Petr Mervart, plenipotentiary of the Minister of Industry and Trade for Hydrogen Technologies, who presented the Czech Republic's Hydrogen Strategy. The hydrogen strategy should serve as a guide for companies and organizations in the Czech Republic, which sets the framework and shows the direction in which the development and support of hydrogen technologies will be directed in the coming years.

You can find a video of the event on our YouTube channel.