How does Erasmus+ promote inclusion in education?
The new final report presents the results of Erasmus+ projects from 2014-2020 promoting inclusion in education.
On 15 June 2022, the European Commission published the final report Data collection and analysis of Erasmus+ projects. Focus on inclusion in education: final report. The report presents both an inventory of 120 Erasmus+ projects that have been identified as 'good practice' in the Erasmus+ project database in the field of inclusion in education, and the results of research on 15 projects selected from this inventory as case studies. The fifteen projects selected cover all levels and sectors of education and training and some of them involve the Czech Republic.
The research was carried out between May and November 2021 by a consortium consisting of the Danish Technological Institute, the pedagogical research centre 3s Unternehmensberatung from Austria and ECORYS.
As part of the field research, 80 stakeholders were consulted through individual or focus group interviews. The following policy aspects of inclusion in education were examined:
- learning environments (curricula, assessment, targeted support and tools, transitions between educational levels)
- learners and learning climate, with a focus on pupil positive interaction embracing pupil, diversity and well-being at school)
- enhancing teacher agency in tackling educational disadvantage,
- school governance and leadership, including quality assurance,
- involvement of parents and families
- collaboration in and around schools with stakeholders and the wider community.
More information can be found in the final report published on the website of the Publications Office of the European Union.