Four ERC Advanced Grants are heading to the Czech Republic!
The ERC has published the results of the Advanced Grants 2022 call. Four Czech institutions are also celebrating their success.
In total, 1650 applications were submitted to the call, of which 218 projects were successful. The overall success rate was therefore around 13 %.
The laureates of this grant competition proposed to carry out their projects at universities and research centres in 20 countries in Europe, mostly in Germany (37), the UK (35), France (32) and Spain (16). The winners come from all over the world, with 27 nationalities represented, notably Germans (36 researchers), French (32), Italians (21), British (19).
The Czech Republic is also celebrating success, with four award-winning projects. The projects will be implemented at the University of Pardubice, the Czech Technical University and two institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Republic.
More information can be found on the European Research Council website.