Explore the innovation potential of your institution with the HEInnovate tool
HEInnovate is a free self-assessment tool for Higher Education Institutions designed by OECD and the European Commission.
If you are interested in the EIT Pilot Call Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education, we informed you about earlier, pay attention to the HEInnovate tool. All consortia submitting the application will have to use it when designing the Innovation Vision Action Plan (IVAP), which is a mandatory part of the proposal.
HEInnovate diagnoses areas of strengths and weaknesses, opens up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial/innovative nature of your institution and allows you to compare and contrast evolution over time. You can have instant access to your results, learning materials and a pool of experts. HEInnovate can be used by all types of higher education institutions.
Register for the webinar on 23 April and find out how to use the tool effectively.
This year, 23 pilot projects will be supported under the Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education initiative. Each of them will receive up to 1.2 mil eur and will be implemented over next 2 years. The application deadline is 25 May.