Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation – Call 2022

Erasmus+ CZELO

Societal challenges, such as climate change, digitalisation, changing demographics and AI are the core of Call 2022.

The aim is to boost innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. Projects may be aimed at developing innovation in collaboration with enterprises or at supporting the Pact for Skills and focusing on one of the 14 industrial ecosystems.

Applications can be submitted at the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal (FTOP) until 15 September 2022  to one or both of the following Lots (an organisation can be involved in several proposals):

Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises

Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’)

More information can be found in the factsheet, in the Programme Guide and on the European Commission's website, where accompanying materials are also available for those interested in applying  in this year's call.

Czech institutions have long been actively involved in Erasmus + projects aimed at supporting and developing innovation.

Currently, within the field of vocational education and training (VET), the project „Building up Digital Skills Alliance for the Enhancing of Programming Competencies“, dealing with drones and virtual reality, is being implemented. Although these areas are among the new smart technologies (Industry 4.0) with huge potential for further development, they are not yet commonly taught in current vocational education and training. The members of the Alliance are therefore modernizing existing vocational education and training programs and creating new curricula for each of these two disciplines.

In the field of higher education (HE), for example, the „Nephrology Partnership for Advancing Technology in Healthcare“ project, which deals with chronic kidney disease, is currently being implemented, with the aim of securing a European strategic partnership between universities and clinical centers specializing in nephrology to increase interest of students in this area of education.