EC launched the public consultation on micro-credentials
Join the debate on micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. The consultation will be open until 13 July 2021.
A growing number of people feel the need to update their knowledge and acquire new skills and competences. How to ensure accessible, flexible and modular lifelong learning opportunities? The European Commission has launched a public consultation on micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability.
The public consultation will be open until 13 July 2021 and its main purpose is to collect ideas for the development of a common definition for micro-credentials, EU standards for their quality and transparency and the next steps to be taken at the institutional, national and EU levels.
What is a micro-credential?
Micro-credential is a qualification certifying learning outcomes acquired through a short course or module. Micro-credentials may be completed on-site, online or in a blended format. The flexible nature of these qualifications opens the learning opportunities up to anyone. This makes micro-credentials a highly flexible, inclusive form of learning.
Micro-credentials are offered by higher and vocational education and training (VET) institutions, as well as by private organisations. They can be particularly useful for people who:
- want to expand their knowledge without completing a full study programme,
- want to upskill or reskill to meet labour market needs.
More information to be found on the EC website.