Does your region support innovation? This is your last chance to obtain the Regional Innovation Valley label
Výzva k vyjádření zájmu je stále otevřena a to do 18. září.
The European Commission has published a matchmaking map where you can find regions that expressed their interest in becoming the Regional Innovation Valleys.
There are currently 64 eligible regions involved in the call. The regionas represent 22 member states and associated countries to the Horizon Europe programme. Namely, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. For the Czech Republic, the regions Střední Čechy (CZ02) and Severozápad (CZ04) are involved. The regions represent 7 innovation leaders, 16 strong innovators, 18 moderate innovators, and 19 rising innovators from the perspective of the European Innovation Scoreboard.
The map's goal is to connect the regions concerned and to assist them in identifying suitable partners. Additionally, the map shows the responsibilities and challenges that each region faces. The actors involved in the Czech Republic recognized two challenges: digital transformation and fossil fuels.
The call for expression of interest is still open until 18 September. The call for expression of interest is also followed by calls within the work programme European Innovation and Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument. The calls are open until 17 October.