The Diverse Pallet of Internationalisation. The 2022 EAIE Conference and Exhibition has begun.
The 32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition started yesterday in Barcelona. It will run until the 16th of September.
One of the most significant traditional events in Europe and the world in the area of higher education is run by European Association for International Education (EAIE). As a part of the conference and in light of the Czech presidency of the EU Council, we have joined the Czech embassy in Madrid in hosting a reception for over 400 guests, primarily representatives from universities in Czechia and abroad. The ambassador at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Spain, Ivan Jančárek, and Michal Uhl, the Director of the Centre for International Education and Research, gave opening speeches.
"I believe we can not improve the Czech educational system without further strengthening internationalisation. It is necessary that Czech students and academic staff take part in international mobilities or projects, so that the quality of development of higher education institutions is ensured. Internationalisation spurs modernisation in the Czech higher education system, as it brings international students and experts. Conferences and exhibitions such as EAIE are critical – they are the birthplaces of future international collaboration which are so important for the success of higher education institutions," says Michal Uhl.
The theme of this year's EAIE Conference and Exhibition was "The future in full colour" explored the ever-expanding pallet of tools being used in international activities of higher education institutions, which help paint a vivid and inclusive picture of our shared future. Representatives of Czech higher education institutions have the Study in the Czech Republic stand at their disposal. The Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) has acquired a 75 sqm stand for this year's conference, which is able to house ten consultants. Its new design has been introduced at the NAFSA conference in Denver.
"Hosting a national reception at EAIE is now a traditional way of supporting Czech higher education institutions in informally developing stronger partnerships with international institutions. But it has to be said this year's event is a little special, as Czechia hosts the EU Council Presidency. By hosting this reception, we are also carrying our presidency over into the field of international and European cooperation among higher education institutions. Which is a field where European topics are highly influential, partly thanks to Erasmus+ programme or the European Strategy for Universities," says Jakub Tesař, Head of Internationalization of Studies in the Czech Republic Unit, on the significance of the occasion.
EAIE 2022 is, therefore, the ideal place for representatives of higher education institutions to establish partnerships and develop international collaboration with partners from abroad. Representatives from these 22 Czech universities are in attendance this year:
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Anglo American University
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
- Masaryk University
- Mendel University in Brno
- NEWTON University
- University of Ostrava
- Silesian University in Opava
- Technical University of Liberec
- University of Hradec Králové
- Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
- Charles University
- Palacký University
- University of Pardubice
- Tomas Bata University
- Technical University of Ostrava
- The Prague University of Economics and Business
- The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
- Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
- Brno University of Technology
- The University of West Bohemia