Council adopts position on Horizon Europe


On 16 March 2021, the Competitiveness Council adopted its first reading position on Horizon Europe, the EU’s multiannual framework programme for research and innovation for the years 2021 to 2027 (“the programme”). This follows up on a deal reached last December with the European Parliament that paves the way for the swift adoption of the proposed regulation establishing Horizon Europe at second reading.

The regulation lays down the structure and the objectives of the programme, the budget, the forms of EU funding and the rules for providing such funding. It provides that 35 % of the expenditure for actions funded under the programme will have to contribute to climate objectives.

It also regulates international cooperation between the EU and third countries in the field of research and innovation.

In line with the political agreement reached last December between the co-legislators, the European Parliament is expected to approve the Council’s position at first reading in April 2021. The regulation will then be deemed to have been formally adopted. It will apply retroactively from 1 January 2021.

More information is available in the press release of Council of the European Union.