Council adopted recommendation on blended learning


The recommendation adopted on 29 November contains short-term measures as well as long-term actions.

The Council of the EU has adopted a recommendation on blended learning approaches to achieve the goal of high-quality and inclusive primary and secondary education.

Blended learning can be defined as applying multiple approaches to the learning process, combining teaching at school and in other physical environments with distance (including online) learning and the involving various (digital as well as non-digital) educational tools. The European Commission also provides a more detailed and comprehensive definition in which blended learning is defined as a teaching and learning process integrating various factors such as: learning environment (home, school, workplace, online, other), competence development process (lifelong learning, professional development), affective domain (motivation, satisfaction, frustration) and people (learners, teachers, parents, other staff) (see Blended learning in school education, 2020).

The recommendation comes as a reaction to the current situation in education, which has been largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for past year and a half. The methods of teaching and learning have been changing significantly, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the possibilities of combining and blending different learning environments and tools. Also, the recommendation should contribute to the achievement of Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 and European Education Area goals.

The recommendation puts forward both short-term measures as a direct response to the crisis as well as long-term actions. Among other things, member states are recommended to support learners to remediate the learning loss caused by partial school closures and boost the development of their (and their families') digital skills and competences. The recommendation also proposes that member states embed blended learning approaches in teacher education and their continued professional development programmes, invest in high-speed internet connectivity for school-site and distance learning environments and make full use of EU funds and expertise for reforms and investment in infrastructure, tools and pedagogy.

The Commission will support the implementation of the recommendation by facilitating mutual learning among member states, supporting the development of resources such as guidance material (e.g. providing guidance on data protection and online safety) and supporting professional development and learning opportunities for teachers, trainers and other educational staff.

More information to be found in the official press release of the Council of the EU.