Commission launches Horizon Europe strategic planning process 2025-2027


The public consultation will be launched in November

The priorities set out in the second Strategic Plan will be implemented through the last Horizon Europe Work Programme (2025-1017).

The Strategic Plan is a novelty in Horizon Europe and sets the strategic orientations of the programme and outlines the contributions of its various parts. It ensures that EU research and innovation actions contribute to EU priorities, including a climate-neutral and green Europe, a Europe fit for the digital age, and an economy that works for people. The first Strategic Plan covered the period 2021-2024.

Like its predecessor, the Strategic Plan 2025-2027 will be co-designed with citizens and stakeholders. In order to get the feedback from the wider public, the public consultation will be launched in November on the Have Your Say portal. The consultation will remain open for 12 weeks and will also feature questions on the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020 and mid-term evaluation of Horizon Europe. Moreover, a dedicated workshop for citizens is planned to take place in December.