European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures announced the 11 new Research Infrastructures
On 30 June 2021 the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures announced 11 new research infrastructures (RI) to be included in its roadmap for 2021. These project were selected out of a total of 18 submitted project proposals. The selection was made by the ESFRI Executive Board as having the best strategic value of the project and the highest potential to make a significant contribution to the existing roadmap and to strengthen it overall. The selected RIs will provide significant support to key EU priorities, such as EU social pillar, Digital Transition, Green Deal and Health.
The new ESFRI Projects are for exemple:
EBRAINS – (European Brain ReseArch INfrastructureS) a distributed digital infrastructure at the interface of neuroscience, computing and technology for brain research
GGP − (Program Generations and Gender) focusing on pressing scientific and societal challenges on population and family dynamics
ET − (Einstein Telescope) the first third-generation gravitational-wave observatory
More information and a complet list of all newly added infrastructures is available in the press release of ESFRI.