Czechia has published its position on FP10


The position paper will be forwarded to the European Commission as a basis for the upcoming negotiations.

The Ministry of Education created the document in cooperation with key actors of the Czech research and innovation ecosystem, including representatives of the state administration, research support providers, research organizations, and academia. It reflects not only the current needs and challenges but also the long-term priorities of the Czech Republic.

The main recommendations include:

  • Continuity of proven instruments such as the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA);
  • Simplification of administrative procedures, e.g., through broader use of the lump sum funding mechanism;
  • Support for the Widening initiative, ensuring key tools (Twinning, Teaming, or ERA Chairs) are maintained;
  • A holistic approach to research infrastructures, which are a crucial component of the European Research Area;
  • Continuation of gender equality plans as an eligibility criterion for participation in FP10;
  • More effective integration of innovation activities and tools, with stronger connections between EIT and EIC;
  • Better coordination of calls and synergies among various funding instruments, including strengthened collaboration between DG RTD, DG REGIO, and other European Commission bodies;
  • Support for European Partnerships with clear conditions, strategies, and a legislative framework that ensures stable funding throughout their duration;
  • Introduction of clear mechanisms for mission governance, including the definition of competencies and the establishment of channels for information sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration;
  • Research security should be addressed as a cross-cutting program theme to eliminate risks associated with illegitimate influence.

The full document is available on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Source: website.